Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm slowing down for the night, but I would like to update everyone on my progress.  Here are the things I have accomplished thus far:

~Dishes (already had those done)
~Update iPod (also already done)
~Dye Roving - It's hanging up to dry right now!  Should be ready for spinning tomorrow!
~Dye Yarn - also dyring
~Balance checkbook - thank goodness this is done... its so tedious!
~Pay bills - yuck
~Update facebook page - it's updated... you should check it out! Project31 on facebook!
~Blog - I am  :)

So, I'm getting ready to work on my bday list too.  So, I still have several things to do, but I took a pretty good chunk out of it tonight.  I didn't go on a walk... I just didn't have time (great excuse, right?!).  I danced around the kitchen all night though, does that count?  Lol.

Nighty night blog!  Off to watch t.v. with the hubby!!!


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