Thursday, June 2, 2011

Holidays and Loss

Well, obviously I didn't post those pics of the yarn I've been spinning... I took them, but they never made it off of my camera.  Well, this post is not for them!

On Monday, Thomas and I went hiking with my family, and it was fabulous!  I have tons of hiking memories from growing up... We'd always go hiking on vacation because, well, why not?!  It's always so much fun with my family because we get to spend time together and just enjoy the beauty of nature!  So, this time, we went to Taum Sauk Mountain State Park (in Missouri).  This park features the highest point in Missouri (really not much to see there... its a rock on the ground with a plaque on it... ooooo!) and the Mina Sauk Falls, which is the tallest waterfall in Missouri.  And the scenery was AMAZING!!!  We hiked a three mile trail that had the waterfall in the middle.  It was so beautiful.  And, we climbed around and played in the waterfall too, I mean, who wouldn't on a 90+ degree day!  So, here are some pics from the day trip!  And I would like to mention that, the reason I own a camera is so that I can document our lives, so of course, this is a trip I would want photos of.  So, what do I do?  I leave the camera at home... So these photos are from my cell phone which my wonderful husband lugged around for me all day!
 The views were spectacular!
 This was a giant tree that had fallen next to the path, and I should have had Thomas stand next to it in the picture because the roots are well over six feet high.  It was huge!!!
Here's a photo looking up from about halfway down the falls.
And here is me!  Wading in the pool at the bottom of the falls was absolutely wonderful!

And, you may notice that there are only photos of the first half of the journey, and that is because, by the time we climbed back up the falls to finish the second half of the three mile hike, I was about ready to die!  It was a seriously strenuous hike, and I'm not in great athletic shape to begin with!

Well, now for the loss part... I'm mourning... just a little... for my hair.  I got my hair cut last week.  And, for about a year and a half now, my hair has been long (about halfway between my shoulders and elbows), and I love it long.  But after a while, it gets boring.  So, I got it cut.  And, I like it a lot, but I still miss my hair...  Now, it is just past my shoulders, so I didn't get that much cut off, and its still really cute, but I miss my long flowy hair.  I know it will grow back, but still...

Well, if you can't tell, I'm procrastinating...  I need to get up, grab the loom and finish the headbands that have been sitting there for days.  But I just don't wanna.  It's hot in my apartment, and I would much rather eat ice cream and watch movies instead.  Or just go to bed.  Or start my vacation really early and go to the beach. And I'm sitting here, also secretly wishing Thomas would text me from work and ask me to go to Qdoba for dinner with him on his break (too bad he won't read this until after he gets home from work!) Anyway, I guess I don't have anything else interesting to say, though I could keep rambling for quite a while if it meant that I wouldn't have to get my lazy butt off the couch!

So, here's the random thing for today.  And here is the context:  I work for a photographer, so I occasionally cyber-stalk several photographer's blogs.  And Jasmine Star is one of my FAVES!  She is so talented and amazing. And as I was poking around on her blog, I came across a post that had random things that she thought were funny in it (that's right up my alley, right?!), and here is one that I thought was just hilarous!!!  Its a letter press card that is available for purchase from Shop Sapling Press on Etsy.  Are you ready?!


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