Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pshaw... Who really needs to breathe?

Busy, busy, busy... And not the good kind of busy either.  I'm busy with junk... work... boo...

Anyway, here's another of my Christmas presents!  Can you tell what it is???
It's a double heddle kit for my loom!  So now I can do double-weave stuff... Honestly, I have no idea how you do anything related to double-weave, but I've got a great book, and hopefully, I'll have some time in the next 50 years to figure it out!

Also, here's a little update!
A teensy bit of yarn on the spindle!  The other 95% of the roving is mounded up on my craft table waiting for me to pay it a little bit of attention... fat chance this week!

Anyway, not much else crafty going on at my house.  I would LOVE to get a sampler woven... I've got it all patterned out for the different designs I want to try, but I keep putting off warping it hoping that it will magically warp itself!  Lol.  Anyway... back to work!


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