Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is my Issue?!

Seriously... "they" say women are confusing.  Well, you got that right!!  I can't even figure myself out, and I've known me for 23 years!  You know, men (even though the only man who reads my blog is my husband, and he already knows this... that's beside the point.  Ok, moving on....) the thing is, we (women, in general) know you are confused by us, and we know you think that's frustrating... but it's just as maddening to us, because we confuse ourselves all the time! 

So here's the thing.  Thomas is at work today.  And I'm here at home, trying to do 18 things at once so that I can keep my head above water.  But that's not really the problem.  The problem is, if Thomas isn't home, I'm bound to break out in tears over something completely minute and stupid.  Why? you ask... The heck if I know!!!  Seriously, I was just sitting on the couch, watching "One Tree Hill" (yes, I'm pretty much still a 15 year old girl) and grading papers, so when the episode is ending and somebody on the screen is crying, I start tearing up... REALLY???  And then, I sit down at my computer to start typing up lesson plans, but of course, I have to watch the new trailer of "We Bought a Zoo" that's online first.  So then that was heart warming and I start crying AGAIN!  I mean, come on...  I'm not sad or anything, but when I'm overwhelmed, I tend to cry.  So I guess just about anything can set me off.  How ridiculous!

Ok, it's driving me a little nuts that all of my posts have been emotional lately.  So, you are probably not surprised when I tell you that I haven't woven one bit since I posted the sneak peek picture like two weeks ago.  (Has it really been two weeks already?!  Wow.)  Anyway, I was tidying up my areas of the house today, because I have been a complete slob lately.  And I made my weaving area look pretty (er)!
So that's something right?  And anyway, you didn't see what it looked like before.  This is a HUGE improvement!

However, now I am just wasting more time when I really really need to be working.  Toodoloo!


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