Anyway, since I've been rambling on about the projects I've made, I guess I should post some pictures here! (BEWARE: my photos are not very good. Some of the colors look weird, and I just can't seem to get the lighting right (even though I work for a professional photographer and should be able to figure these things out). So, here goes.
The scarf pictured above was my very first project on my loom! I made on Christmas afternoon in just a couple of hours. I was so impressed with how easy it was to figure out how the loom worked and everything. The warp is a rich red wool yarn, and the weft is a multi-colored chunky yarn. The base color is pink, but as you can see, it weaves up with a beautiful rainbow pattern!
This scarf was my second project, which I made the day after Christmas! Once I got the loom, I could hardly walk away from it! This one uses the multi-colored chunky yarn from the weft above for both the warp and the weft. It's super fluffy and soft. I love it! (I also learned later that you're not really supposed to use a chunky yarn like that for the warp because it could break really easily, but isn't it cool what you can do when you don't know the rules to follow them?!)
This scarf is one of my favorites so far! As you will probably figure out throughout the course of this blog, my favorite color is purple (closely followed by a specific shade of coral). So, obviously, I love this scarf! The warp is a skein of variegated purple colors aptly named: Berries. And without even planning it, the warp threads turned into beautiful stripes of lighter and darker shades! (And here the logical part of my brain reminds me that if I hadn't taken notes on this project, I probably wouldn't be able to replicate it in the future if I wanted.) I love it, and it's super warm and cuddly!
This last one was my first attempt at any kind of pattern whatsoever. Very simple, I know, but it was a big step for me. The photo doesn't do the green stripes justice, they are so so soft and beautifully colored.
Well, I think that's enough project photos for today! I should probably get back to the laundry and such. And I hope to get the to-do list finished so that I can start a new project today. I went to a new craft store with my mom and mother-in-law this weekend, and I got some really cool stuff!!! If you've read this, I thank you. And, to end with a silly note. Here is what happens when I get my loom out to try and start weaving...I don't know what Lo's fascination is with my loom, but anytime she can get near, she lays down in it! Crazy cat! She's so cute!
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