So, I've had a crappy day. Nothing went seriously wrong, nobody died, no big blowouts, it was just crappy in a lot of little ways. A: We had school. I mean, come on! We got redonculously bad weather all weekend (don't even get me started on my weekend!), but then Monday comes, and *poof* GORGEOUS! Boo!!! B: I'm so overwhelmed right now that I feel like I'm holding back tears every moment of every day. During my planning today, I just sat in my room and stared at nothing. C: I slammed my hand in the car door this afternoon. Yeah. But nothing's broken, it just hurts like no other. Awesome.
I know that this entire adventure is just that: an adventure. And everything is such a blessing from God. But, right now, it feels like a trial disguised as a blessing. On the outside, it looks beautiful, wonderful, exciting. But step inside the bubble, and *bam* hurricane!
If you couldn't tell, I did NOT get my to do list from over a week ago finished, and so the loom has gone untouched for yet another week. However, I do have Friday night and Saturday off this week (I don't even know what that feels like anymore!), so I'd really love to check out some of the yarn shops in the area. I know there are a couple. That is, of course, if the hubs wouldn't mind letting me have the air-conditioned car on Saturday! ;) So, maybe, just maybe, this weekend, I will have a post that actually pertains to weaving.
Well, since this entire time, I should have actually been working, I should probably get going.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~Matthew 11:28