Here's a pic of the first scarf that I finished the other day. I got the ends all twisted nicely for the finishing touch. I decided not to iron it out or anything. I really like the messy look with this one!
And... I had a fabulous hair night when I wore this scarf for the first time, so I thought I'd share that too!
(It's really hard to take pictures of the back of your head in the mirror, so they're not the greatest.) But the pretty purple flower clip was made for me by my good friend Cassie! Thanks girl. I miss you!
I spent the morning making cool fondue and cinnamon chips for bible study tonight. (I'll have to take a picture of that when I get the platter all made up. It looks delish!) And then we spent the afternoon at the beach. So, all in all, I'd say its a pretty good day so far! I hope you are having an equally lovely day!!!
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