Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Beach Bum and Back Ache

So... I'm officially a day into summer (because I had to go in for a little bit yesterday morning) and I already have a back ache from weaving too much!  I spent all of yesterday evening weaving and did a good bit this morning and afternoon to finish up the project I started on spring break!  And before I could even finish it, I already warped the loom for a new one!  Pics tomorrow hopefully!

Also, we went to the beach today and LITERALLY had it all to ourselves.  I'm not kidding, for a while, I'm pretty sure we had about a 1/2 mile in each direction where there were no people whatsoever.  And, of course, I forgot my camera.  It was also so calm that sometimes there weren't even any waves.  I have never seen the ocean looking like a lake before.  But it was such a peaceful afternoon!  I LOVE living in Florida!!!  Yay!

Random Quote: "Dark have been my dreams of late."  ~Said by Theoden King of Rohan in "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"  (One of the reasons I got so much weaving done in the past day: we've started another of our trilogy binges.  And we're watching all of the Lord of the Rings movies right now!)

HAPPY  SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!


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